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Global Flags and Settings

    ECLiPSe has a number of flags to control options and modes of operation. They will be described in detail in the appropriate places. To get an overview of the existing flags, call env/0 which will print a list like

[eclipse 1]: env.

all_dynamic:            off             last_errno:             0              
break_level:            0               local_size:             131072         
coroutine:              off             macro_expansion:        on             
debug_compile:          on              max_predicate_arity:    255            
debugger_model:         sepia           object_suffix:          "so"           
debugging:              nodebug         occur_check:            off            
dfid_compile:           off             output_mode:            "QPm"          
enable_interrupts:      on              pid:                    22421          
float_precision:        single          ppid:                   397            
gc:                     on              prefer_rationals:       off            
gc_interval:            98304           print_depth:            20             
gc_interval_dict:       960             statistics:             off            
global_size:            131072          toplevel_module:        eclipse        
hostarch:               "sparc_sunos5"  unix_time:              786724439      
hostid:                 "1919950948"    version:                '3.5'          
hostname:               "solaris4"      worker:                 0              

cwd:                    "/home/user/fred/" 
extension:              opium occur_check dfid megalog parallel 
installation_directory: "/usr/local/eclipse" 
library_path:           ["/usr/local/eclipse/lib", "/usr/local/eclipse//lib_pd"]
loaded_library:         lists 
prolog_suffix:          ["", ".sd", ".pl"] 
variable_names:         check_singletons
The values of individual flags can be retrieved using get_flag/2. Some of these flags can be set using set_flag/2. The built-in statistics/0 displays various figures about time and memory usage. Refer to chapter gif for details.

Micha Meier
Mon Mar 4 12:11:45 MET 1996