- Classoom: CS 243
- Days: Monday & Wednesday
- Time: 2:00p.m. - 3:20p.m.
- Instructor: Rina Dechter
- Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00am - 12:00pm
- Textbooks
Course Overview
Topics covered Include: Heuristic search, Adverserial search,
Constraint Satisfaction Problems, knowledge representation,
propositional and first order logic, inference with logic,
Planning, learning and probabilistic reasoning.
There will be weekly homework-assignments, a project,
a midterm and/or a final.
Homeworks plus project will account for 50% of the
grade, midterm and/or final 50% of the grade.
Subject to changes
Week |
Topic |
Date |
Week 1 |
- Introduction and overview: What is AI? History
Nillson Ch.1 (1.1-1.5), RN: chapters 1,2.
- Problem solving: Statement of Search problems: state space graph, problem types,
examples (puzzle problem, n-queen, the road map, travelling sales-man.)
Nillson Ch 7. RN: chapter 3, Pearl: ch.1
04-02 |
Week 2 |
- Uninformed search: Greedy search, breadth-first, depth-first,
iterative deepening, bidirectional search.
Nillson Ch. 8, RN: Ch. 3, Pearl: 2.1, 2.2
- Informed heuristic search: Best-First, Uniform cost, A*, Branch and bound.
Nillson Ch. 9, RN: Ch. 4 , Pearl, 2.3.1
04-09 |
Week 3 |
- Properties of A*, iterative deepening A*, generating heuristics automatically. Learning heuristic functions.
Nillson Ch. 9, 10.3, RN: chapter 4, Pearl: 3.1, 3.2.1, 4.1, 4.2
- Game playing: minimax search, alpha-Beta pruning.
Nillson Ch. 12, RN: Ch. 5.
04-16 |
Week 4 |
- Constraint satisfaction problems
Definitions, examples, constraint-graph, constraint propagation (arc-consistency, path-consistency),
the minimal network.
Reading: selected papers, class notes.
- Backtracking and variable-elimination
advanced search: forward-checking, Dynamic variable orderings, backjumping, solving trees, adaptive-consistency.
Reading: selected papers, class notes.
04-23 |
Week 5 |
- Knowledge and Reasoning:
Propositional logic, syntax, semantics, inference rules.
Nillson Ch. 13, RN: Ch 6.
- Propositional logic. Inference, First order logic
Nillson Ch. 14, RN: Ch. 6
04-30 |
Week 6 |
- Knowledge representation:
First-order (predicate) Logic.
Nillson Ch. 15, RN: Ch. 9.
05-07 |
Week 7 |
- Inference in First Order logic
Nillson Ch. 16, RN: Ch. 9, 10(unification).
- Planning:
Logic-based planning, the situation calculus, the frame problem.
Nillson Ch. 21, RN: Ch. 11.
05-14 |
Week 8 |
- Planning: Planning systems, STRIP, regression planning, current trends in planning:
search-based, and propositional-based.
Nillson Ch. 22, RN: Ch. 11.
- Reasoning and planning under uncertainty
Nillson Ch. 19, RN: chapter 14.
05-21 |
Week 9 |
- Memorial Day.
- Belief networks:
Inference, acting and learning.
Nillson Ch. 19, Ch. 20, RN: Ch. 15
05-28 |
Week 10 |
06-04 |
Resources on the Internet
- AI on the Web: A very comprehensive
list of Web resources about AI from the Russell and Norvig textbook.
Essays and Papers