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Professor Jordan’s research has focused on Internet quality of service issues, including traffic management and resource allocation, in both wired and wireless networks. His current research interests are Internet policy issues, including net neutrality, privacy, interconnection, data caps, zero rating, and device attachment.

In 2006, he served as an IEEE Congressional Fellow, working in the United States Senate on communications policy issues. In 2014-2016, Scott served as the Chief Technologist at the Federal Communications Commission, advising on technological issues across the Commission, including the 2015 Open Internet Order and the 2016 Broadband Privacy Order.


A.B., University of California,Berkeley, Applied Mathematics, 1985
B.S., University of California,Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1985
M.S., University of California,Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1987
Ph.D., University of California,Berkeley, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1990

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